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Monday, November 26

Registration and Welcome Reception for Participants at Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel

All day registration at the hall ofYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel

6:00pm:    Welcome reception and dinner (on the second floor ofYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel)

7:30pm     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotelto Qizhen Shuijing Hotel.


Tuesday, November 27

7:40am     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotelto College of Animal Sciences.

Morning Session at Agri-Bio-Envir Block E122, College of Animal Sciences

Chair: Shao Jian Zheng

8:00am-8:20am  Welcome speech

8:20am-8:30am  Jinrong Peng: Opening remarks

8:30am-8:40am  Group Picture


Chair: Alain Gojon, Guohua Xu

8:40am-9:05am  Nicholas P. Harberd:Greener green revolutions: modulating growth-metabolism coordination

9:05am-9:30am  Laurent Laplaze:Genetic bases of early root growth and rhizosheath formation in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum l.)

9:30am-9:55am  Isaiah TaylorRoot circumnutation in rice: regulation and function

9:55am-10:05am Coffee Break

10:05am-10:30am Eilon Shani: Robustness and specialization in root hormone transport

10:30am-10:55am Wenkun Zhou: Jasmonate triggers a molecular network to activate the root stem cell niche and promote regeneration

10:55am-11:20am Eva Benkova: Nutrient – hormone interplay in regulation of the root architecture

11:20am-11:45am Chuanyou Li:Mediator regulates asymmetric stem cell division and radial patterning of Arabidopsis roots

11:45am Bus from College of Animal Sciences to Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel.

12:00am-1:30pm Buffet Lunch (on the second floor ofYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel) and Break


1:10pm     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen HoteltoCollege of Animal Sciences.

Afternoon Session at Agri-Bio-Envir Block E122, College of Animal Sciences

Chair: Laurent Nussaume, Fang-Jie Zhao

1:30pm-1:55pm  Sabrina Sabatini:Dissecting root organogenesis

1:55pm-2:20m  Catherine Bellini:The roots for vegetative propagation: deciphering the increasing complexity of molecular cross-talks

2:20pm-2:45pm  Klaus Palme: N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid inhibits polar auxin transport by stabilizing the PIN protein complex

2:45pm-3:10pm  Miguel Pineros: Structure-Function and regulation studies on plant membrane transport proteins underlying in key agronomic traits

3:10pm-3:25pm Coffee Break

3:25pm-3:50pm  Kan WangCRISPR/Cas directed gene mutagenesis and site targeted T-DNA integration

3:50pm-4:15pm  Lieven De Veylder: Wound-induced stem cell proliferation and regeneration 

4:15pm-4:40pm Christophe Perin: An integrative approach to map and characterize root architecture genes and QTLs in rice

4:40pm-5:05pm  Chengbin Xiang: HOMEOBOX PROTEIN 52 mediates the crosstalk between ethylene and auxin signaling during primary root elongation by modulating auxin transport gene expression

5:05pm-5:30pm  Yu Zhao: The regulatory mechanism of crown root development mediated by WOX11 in rice

5:30pm     Bus from College of Animal Sciences to Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel.

5:50pm Buffet Dinner (on the second floor ofYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel)

7:30pm     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotelto Qizhen Shuijing Hotel if needed.


Wednesday, November 28

8:10am     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotelto College of Animal Sciences.

Morning Session at Agri-Bio-Envir Block E122, College of Animal Sciences

Chair: Nicholas P. Harberd, Chuanyou Li

8:30am-8:55am  Javier Paz-Ares:Phosphate starvation signaling in Arabidopsis. Insigths from the analysis of PHR1 master transcription factor and from the exploration of the natural variation space

8:55am-9:20am  Laurent Nussaume:Complexity of Pi uptake regulation in plants

9:20am-9:45am Ive De Smet: Drought - peptide - auxin signalling crosstalk regulates root architecture

9:45am-10:00am Coffee Break

10:00am-10:25am Alain Gojon : Nitrate signaling mechanisms in Arabidopsis roots’

10:25am-10:50am Jianru Zuo: Genetic basis of nitrogen utilization in rice

10:50am-11:15am Caixian Tang: Plant phosphorus acquisition from soil under elevated CO2 concentration

11:15am-11:40am Guohua Xu:Potassium transporter alters rice architecture via transmembrane pH-dependent auxin fluxes

11:40am    Bus from College of Animal Sciences to Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel.

12:00am-1:30pm Buffet Lunch (on the second floor ofYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel) and Break


1:10pm     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotelto College of Animal Sciences.

Afternoon Session at Agri-Bio-Envir Block E122, College of Animal Sciences

Chair: Eva Benkova, Hong Liao

1:30pm-1:55pm  Hideki Takahashi:Nitrogen and small peptide signaling pathways modulating root growth behavior

1:55pm-2:20m  Byung-Kook Ham:Role of plant vascular system in nutrient-stress systemic signaling

2:20pm-2:45pm  Steffen Abel: Phosphate-Metal interactions govern root development

2:45pm-3:10pm  Thierry DesnosSTOP1-ALMT1, a new signaling pathway inhibiting root growth in low-phosphate

3:10pm-3:25pm Coffee Break

3:25pm-3:50pm  Dong Liu: Molecular mechanism for phosphate deficiency-induced inhibition of primary root growth in Arabidopsis

3:50pm-4:15pm  Ricarda Jost: How to link nutrient availability to shoot development – lessons learnt from SPX4 and GWAS

4:15pm-4:40pm  Zhaojun Ding: Auxin-mediated root growth plasticity under Al stress

4:40pm-5:05pm  Chuanzao Mao: Molecular regulation of nutrient efficient root architecture in rice

5:05pm-5:30pm  Jieyu Chen: Repression of a phloem-borne long-distance signaling agent alters plant growth performance under phosphate stress

5:30pm Bus from College of Animal Sciences to Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel.

5:50pm Buffet Dinner (on the second floor ofYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel)

7:30pm     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotelto Qizhen Shuijing Hotel if needed.


Thursday, November 29

8:10am     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotelto College of Animal Sciences.

Morning Session at Agri-Bio-Envir Block E122, College of Animal Sciences

Chair: Klaus PalmeWeiming Shi

8:30am-8:55am  Hong Liao:Improving nutrient efficiency for sustainable agriculture: from crops to microbiome in rhizosphere

8:55am-9:20am  Lixing Yuan:Root-based approaches to improve nutrient use efficiency in maize

9:20am-9:45am  Huixia Shou:The transcription factor DRAGON-EYE is required for Strategy II iron acquisition in rice

9:45am-10:00am Coffee Break

10:00am-10:25am  Jian Feng Ma: Efficient uptake system for mineral elements in rice

10:25am-10:50am  Fang-Jie Zhao: Strategies to reduce heavy metal accumulation in rice.

 10:50am-11:15am  Catherine Curie: Cellular homeostasis of iron and manganese in plants 

11:15am-11:40am  Keke Yi:Recruitment of an ancient protein for vacuolar phosphate efflux in land plants

11:40am Bus from College of Animal Sciences to Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel.

12:00am-1:30pm Buffet Lunch (on the second floor ofYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel) and Break


1:10pm     Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen HoteltoCollege of Animal Sciences.

Afternoon Session at Agri-Bio-Envir Block E122, College of Animal Sciences

Chair:Shao Jian Zheng

1:30pm-1:55pm  Yi Wang: Regulatory mechanisms of coordinated potassium/nitrogen transport in Arabidopsis

1:55pm-2:20pm Fangsen Xu:Differential boron efficiency mediated by BnA3.NIP5;1 and BnC4.BOR1;1c in Brassica napus

2:20pm-2:45pm  Jianli Yang: Al tolerance mechanisms in rice bean

2:55pm   Bus from College of Animal Sciences to Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotel.


5:30pm         Dinner on the second floor ofYuanzheng Qizhen Hotel

7:30pm         Bus from Yuanzheng Qizhen Hotelto Qizhen Shuijing Hotel if needed.


Friday, November 30



