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主讲人 :Xin Ge,

          Associate Professor of Marketing

          University of Northern British Columbia

主持人 :周欣悦教授,浙江大学市场营销系主任

目:Consumer Inferences from Soldout Products


Dr. Xin Ge is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the School of Business at the University of Northern British Columbia of Canada (E-mail:gex@unbc.ca; Phone: 250-960-5178).She teaches consumer behavior, marketing communications, and retail management. Her research interests include constructive consumer preferences, strategic presentation of product information, consumer behavior in virtual worlds, and market signals. Her work has appeared in leading marketing journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Journal of Retailing.


We show that consumers draw positive inferences about the desirability of a product when similar products are observed to sell out. We refer to this inference as a “cohort-signal” effect. Such inferences are predicted by a utility-theoretic social-Bayesian inference model, and model predictions are tested in three experiments. The model starts from the critical “social” assumption that consumers new to a product recognize that their preferences may be similar to those of the cohort that have revealed their preferences through actual purchase behavior. This blend of analytical modeling and behavioral verification reveals that one form of preference construction can arise from rational thinking on the part of consumers—not as an anomaly that calls into question standard utility theory.

In addition, boundary conditions are shown to arise when a decision maker’s preferences are (1) dissimilar from those of the consumer segment known to generate the soldout condition or (2) known with certainty. An attribute-based model extension also gives rise to a shift in attribute importance weights and accounts for the well-known attraction effect.



