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主题:A Positional View of Firms’ Reactions to Rankings: Rank Categories and Firm Actions Induced by Category Boundaries

主讲嘉宾:黄智副教授, University of Kentucky





To understand organizations’ reactions to popular rankings, this study elaborates a positional view that an organization’s ranking position motivates its reactions. An organization’s ranking position is jointly defined by its rank category (i.e., top, middle, bottom) and its closeness to the boundaries of its rank category. Reactions to rankings are likely to be induced by the boundaries of rank categories, i.e., organizations ranked closer to the boundaries of their rank categories are more motivated to either climb into a higher rank category or avoid falling into a lower rank category. Through examining firms’ CSR investments as reactions, the analysis supports the positional view. Firms ranked closer to the boundaries of their respective rank categories are more motivated to make CSR investments, especially when they are larger and thus have more resources devoted to CSR and when the ranking itself is more unstable. The effect of ranking positions is also distinct across different rank categories. Firms in both top and bottom rank categories are primarily driven by the lower boundary of their respective rank categories, whereas firms in the middle rank category are oriented towards both the upper and the lower boundary.



黄智,肯塔基大学盖顿商学院管理学系副教授。他的研究主要从认知心理学的角度看社会结构(包括社会地位结构,权力结构,社会网络结构,制度结构)如何影响组织,团队和个人,他用来研究这些现象和课题的情景包括美国大学体育产业,美国商业银行,全球信息技术行业,公司高管团队和董事会,工作团队,爵士乐队等。他的研究都发表在国际顶尖管理学刊物,比如Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal等。他同时担任Administrative Science Quarterly和Journal of Management的编委,也长期为很多顶级管理刊物审稿。他主要教战略管理课程,曾获得香港科技大学商学院秀教学院长提名奖。

