On the afternoon of Mar. 31, the principal researcher of Microsoft Research Asia, Director of Speech Group, IEEE fellow Dr. Song Geping was appointed as an adjunct professor at School of Information Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. Prof. Zhang Xianmin presided over the appointment ceremony.
Dr. Song Geping received his BS, MS and Ph. D from the National Taiwan University, the University of Rhode Island and Stanford University, respectively. He joined Bell Labs Research, USA in 1982. In Bell Labs, he had worked on various aspects of acoustics and speech processing. In 2004, he joined Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), Beijing, China to lead the Speech Research Group. He is a visiting professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the co-director of CUHK-MSRA Joint Research Lab, recently promoted to a National Key Lab of Ministry of Education, China. He was the co-chair of the 1991 IEEE International Arden House Speech Recognition Workshop. He has served the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee of the Signal Processing Society, as a committee member and associate editor of the Transactions of Speech and Audio Processing. He published extensively and coauthored more than 200 technical papers in the speech and signal processing fields. At the appointment ceremony, Dr. Song Geping extended his gratitude for this honor.