Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, State Key Lab of



The state key laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry (Zhejiang University) is now at the focus on the research fields as follows: molecular mechanisms and functional genomics of plant nutrition(P and N) and water efficiency; molecular physiological mechanisms of roots initiation and development; and functional genomics on plant Al stress tolerance;


Members at the Lab

Professor Wu Ping, Ph D. Principal Professor
Research fields: molecular physiology and functional genomics of plant phosphorus/nitrogen efficiency, molecular physiological mechanisms involved in roots initiation and development

Professor Zeng Guang Wen
Research fields: molecular physiological mechanisms involved in roots initiation and development

Professor Zhu Mu Yuan, PhD
Research fields: molecular genetics and functional genomics of Al stress tolerance in plants

Professor Jiang De An, PhD
Research fields : molecular physiology of plant water efficiency Associate

Professor Wang Jun Hui, PhD
Research fields: Carbon/nitrogen(C/N) regulation systems from roots initiation and development

Associate professor Huang Jian Zhong, PhD
Research fields: Signal transduction in plant nutrition

Senior Engineer, Liu Fei Yan, MS

Associate Professor Wang Shou Feng

Lecturer Yi Ke Ke, MS

Lecturer Pan Jian Wei, PhD

Lecturer Liu Hong Jia

Technician Wu Yun Rong


The projects undertaken:

1) National Key Basic Research project (973) The genes function and expression mechanism related to plant nutrition and water efficiency;

2) National high technology research project (863) Cloning and expression analysis of genes related to phosphorus efficiency in rice;

3) Natural Science Foundation of China, Major project Molecular mechanisms and environment effects on rice grain quality characters;

4) National transgenic plants special project Cloning genes from phosphorus efficiency in rice;

5) National Ministry of Education key project Identification of genes and function analysis from nutrient efficiency in rice;

6) Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, major project Cloning genes from rice grain quality characters.