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李月舟课题组在《Nano Letters》发表文章开拓超声在脑科学研究中的新方向


近日,浙江大学医学院李月舟课题组和中科院深圳先进研究院郑海荣课题组合作在Nano Letters期刊发表了题为Ultrasonic control of  neural activity through activation of mechanosensitive channel  MscL的研究论文(图1)。该项研究将超声辐射力和机械敏感性离子通道结合起来,首次在神经元上通过超声刺激激活机械敏感性离子通道,并进而精确控制神经元的兴奋性。该成果开拓了超声在脑科学研究中的新方向,为超声遗传学技术的进一步发展奠定了基础,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。



图1:  超声刺激引起表达于神经元的机械敏感性离子通道MscL(图中黄色所示)的开放,导致离子跨膜运输(图中绿色箭头所示),改变神经元膜电位,诱发神经冲动(图中红色所示动作电位)


美国科学院院士, 麻省理工学院Robert Desimone教授对此工作进行了点评:

The development of methods to use light to control the firing of neurons in  the brain has revolutionized neuroscience research. But light based methods  generally require a probe implanted in the brain to deliver the light.  If one  could use a noninvasive source of energy, such as ultrasound, to control  neurons, this would have major research and clinical applications.  The results  of Jia Ye et al with ultrasound look extremely promising, and I am sure they  will stimulate more research to test the use of ultrasound in many neural  applications, both basic and clinical.

